Welcome to Rosedale Center


Welcome to the Rosedale Center, one of  Baltimore County’s three esteemed alternative education programs. The Rosedale Center provides services to students from the central, northeast and southeast sections of Baltimore County. Our goal is to provide students with alternative approaches to education through specialized education, small learning environments, and student support services. Students meet academic standards set by the Core Curriculum, while being personally enriched and encouraged by our dedicated faculty. Upon completion of the Rosedale program, students return to their comprehensive schools, ready to learn and be successful.

News and Information

In the event that our local and/or state government directs us to shift to virtual instruction, student schedules and directions for accessing Google Meet will be posted to your child’s teacher’s Schoology pages.

Rosedale Center Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan 2024-2025

Rosedale Center School Progress Plan Snapshot 2024-2025

Report Card

The Every Student Succeeds Act requires that each school and the system report card be made publicly accessible. The school and the system report card may be accessed by going to www.bcps.org/schools/ and selecting any school. The link to the reports are on the right hand side under Test Scores. Parents/guardians can access the same information directly from the Maryland Report Card website by going to www.mdreportcard.org and choosing either Baltimore County Public Schools for system information or searching by school name for individual school information. If you have questions regarding the Rosedale Center School Report Card, please contact an administrator. Directions on how to access the Rosedale Center Report Card are attached here: How to Access the Maryland Report Card.pdf

Web Accessibility Notice - Rule 4104

Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) makes every reasonable attempt to ensure that our school system’s Web sites are educationally sound and do not contain links to any content that can be deemed in violation of the BCPS technology acceptable use policy. Linked sites are not under the control of BCPS but are provided as a convenience and do not imply an endorsement of the linked Web site or its contents. BCPS is not responsible for Web content accessibility of linked sites.